All on 6 dental implants Turkey
In this
part, you will be able to learn every single detail about All on 6 dental implant treatment; also written like
all-on-6 so that you will be able to decide which treatment you will need.
What is all-on-six implant treatment?
All-on-6 implant treatment is an implant dental treatment in which fixed prostheses are placed on 6
implants placed at different angles on the lower and upper jaws for patients who are completely
edentulous. The biting and chewing forces of the teeth supported by 6 implants increase. This treatment;
It saves patients who have no teeth, who do not want to use full palate dentures or who use total
removable dentures (dentures) from the problems of these prostheses in one day. The patient comes to our
clinic without teeth and returns home with his teeth on the same day.
All-on-six dental implant treatment restores the patient's ability to smile, speak, chew comfortably, and
bite. This treatment can be applied even if the patient has advanced bone loss. All sixteen dental implant
treatment has been the successful treatment frequently preferred by patients and doctors for more than 10
When individuals who have all on 4 and all on six dental implant pay attention to their daily oral care
routines to protect their oral and dental health, the lifetime of the all on four, all on six treatment
extends up to 20 years if they do not neglect the dental check-up twice a year..
In which patients is all on 6 implant technique applied?
The following are the people who frequently apply the All-on-6 dental implant technique in Turkey:
- Completely edentulous patients,
- Patients who will have all their teeth extracted,
- Patients who have lost most of their teeth for various reasons,
- Patients who cannot have full-mouth dental implant treatment due to
bone loss in the jaw,
- Patients who do not want to undergo a long treatment process to regain their teeth,
- Patients who want to choose both robust, long-lasting and economical in implant treatment,
- Patients who cannot or do not want to use total dentures and who want to have more aesthetic and
functional teeth.
How Is all on 6 dental implants done?
After the patients come to our clinic, they meet with our specialist dentists and in case it is decided
to apply the all on six treatment, the patient is asked to take a break from some of the drugs (especially
blood thinners) regularly used by the physician for a certain period of time, and the treatment is done in
the following stages:
- Images of the lower and upper jaws of the patient are taken for All-on-6 implant treatment.
- Using CAD (Computer Aided Design) computer aided design and CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)
computer aided manufacturing technology, a 3D image of the mouth is scanned and necessary measurements
are made. Mold measurements made with this technology give almost error-free results. The measurements
taken are sent to the laboratory.
- With computer modeling, various images are shown to the patient about how their teeth will look after
implant treatment.
- Local anesthesia is applied to the patient.
- If the patient has a tooth to be extracted, tooth extraction is performed.
- Six implants are placed in the upper and lower jaws for All-on-6 implant treatment. (For detailed
information about the stages of implant placement, you can read our article "Implant Treatment".) Your
dentist adjusts the angle of the implants so that the bite and chewing force is the best. These angles
are 90 degrees for anterior implants and 45 degrees for posterior implants.
- Temporary prostheses (bridges and crowns) are attached to the implants.
- It is waited for about 3 months for the implant to fuse with the jawbone.
- Temporary prostheses are removed when the implants fuse with the jawbone.
- Permanent prostheses are attached and the treatment is completed.
- The patient regains the functions of his lost teeth with his artificial teeth, thanks to the permanent
prostheses fitted. Patients who have all sixteen implant teeth can smile, talk and consume any food they
want comfortably.
If you want to have all on 6 treatment, please contact us.
After all on six treatment

- Do not eat or drink anything until the drowsiness subsides (approximately 2 hours).
- Hot and cold foods should be avoided in the first days as tooth sensitivity may occur.
- On the first day of the procedure, the teeth should not be brushed, gargled or spitted.
- On the second day of all on six implant treatment, mouthwash should be done, and food should be eaten
half an hour after mouthwash.
- Patients may experience mild pain on the first day. Pain can be controlled with painkillers
recommended by your dentist.
- If your doctor has approved the antibiotic treatment, the drugs should be used in the right dose and
- Excessive alcohol consumption should be avoided during the treatment.
- Smoking may affect the success of the treatment as it prepares the environment for the increase of
harmful bacteria in the mouth. Smoking should not be used during treatment.
- During the 3-month period when temporary prostheses are attached, patients should consume soft foods.
During this period, since the screwed teeth are expected to fuse with the jawbone, the jawbone should be
forced by consuming hard foods. Hard foods can damage dentures. Your dentist will intervene immediately
so that this situation does not cause loss of one of the implants. After permanent prostheses are
placed, patients can comfortably consume the food they want.
- Slight swelling and slight bleeding is normal for the first days.
- To protect oral and dental health, attention should be paid to oral and dental hygiene and teeth
should be brushed regularly and correctly.
- If a complication other than your doctor's warnings develops, you should definitely notify your
What are the advantages of all on 6 dental implants treatment in
- All on 6 method allows people to get teeth that they can use for many years without any problems.
- It is successfully applied to patients of all ages with good general health. There is no upper age
limit in the treatment.
- New bone loss is prevented thanks to implant teeth that are positioned in place of some of the missing
- Patients do not have to come to the clinic for dental treatment many times, as temporary prostheses
are attached during the session of implant dental treatment. This saves time for patients.
- All on 6 method is completed in a very short time compared to full mouth implant treatments. In the
treatment of all on 6, patients return home with temporary dentures on the day the implants are placed.
In full mouth implant dental treatment, patients are likely to be toothless for a while. In the
treatment of all on six dental implants, patients do not have a period when they are toothless.
- Some of the patients using removable total prostheses cannot use these prostheses comfortably due to
nausea. Nausea reflex does not occur in patients who have all on 6 implants.
- Patients do not experience the problems they experience with total dentures (dentures). The situation
of moving and making a sound during biting or speaking, which is seen in total prosthesis, is not
experienced in this treatment. Patients laugh, laugh, talk and eat freely without fear of their
prosthesis moving.
- It is successfully applied even to patients suffering from osteoporosis or bone damage.
- All on 6 dental implants is more economical than whole mouth implant treatment.
- Prostheses supported by 6 implants placed in the chin provide stronger biting and chewing.
- Appears close to natural teeth. It increases the self-confidence and quality of life of patients.
- Special planning is made for the patient. Since the final shape of the teeth is shown to the patient
with computerized technology, the desired changes are made before the procedure is completed. This
increases patient satisfaction. Smile aesthetics provides a natural appearance to the patient.
- Due to the lack of teeth, the patient's problem with the letters that he cannot fully remove while
speaking is eliminated. The patient speaks more clearly, clearly and with correct letters. This
increases the patient's self-confidence.
- Recovery time is shorter and more economical than full chin implants.
- Completely edentulous patients get rid of the problems of losing their teeth in a single session.
Those who have all on six dental implant method have more functional teeth than full palate dentures and
regain their dental functions. This gives comfort and happiness to the individual. The patients'
excitement towards life, their joy of living and their motivation increase.
What are the disadvantages of all on 6 implants?
- Implant bridges used in patients who have whole mouth implants are thicker and heavier than all on 6
implant bridges. This bite force makes up the difference.
- Since there is not enough implant support in posterior molars, where the bite force is applied
excessively, the bite and chewing force is low compared to full mouth implants.
- Since the temporary prostheses placed on the implants are placed without delay, implant loss may occur
when the patient does not show sufficient care.
- The patient should be very careful and attentive about cleaning. Improper or incorrect cleaning may
result in implant loss.
- In rare cases, the implants may not hold and may shake.
- The loss of any of the implants positioned in the chin, unfortunately, negatively affects the entire
chin prosthesis. In such a case, since the chin prosthesis cannot be used functionally, the implant
treatment must be done from the beginning.
Should all on 4 or all on 6 be done?
Both methods are the same in terms of the execution of the operations.
- All on 4 is more economical than all on 6.
- Since 6 implants are placed in the jaw in the all on 6, the prosthesis receives more support during
the biting and chewing process. All on six implant gives the patient better biting and chewing ability
than all on four.
Both types of treatment are the most preferred and beneficial dental treatment methods. When it comes to
which one to do, the choice is left to the patients besides the advice of your dentist.
What is the difference between all on 6
implants and standard implants?
All on six treatment has been developed for patients who do not want to have dental implants.
- While 6 implants are applied to the chin in the all on six technique, 8 implants are applied in the
full mouth implant technique. This allows full mouth implants to better meet the pressure of chewing and
to be stronger when biting and chewing.
- The experience of the physician who will perform the all-on-six procedure, the high level of medical
skills, and the placement of the implants at the right angle are very important factors that directly
affect the success of the treatment.
- In standard implants, the procedure is completed in 6-8 months in total when everything goes well. A
large number of sessions are applied for transactions. The patient remains toothless for a while before
proceeding to the prosthesis installation phase.
- In all on 6, the procedure is completed in 3-4 months, including complete recovery. A few sessions are
sufficient for treatment. Temporary prostheses are attached on the day the implants are placed. There is
never a period when the patient is toothless. The treatment is short.
- All on six dental implants are more economical than standard implant teeth.
Frequently asked Questions about All on 6 Implant Turkey - Antalya
How much does all on 6 dental
implant treatment cost in Turkey?
All on 6 implant treatment prices vary according to the treatments deemed appropriate by the physician
for the patient, the materials to be used for all sixteen implant teeth, the quality of the materials, the
price policy of the ceramicist who will prepare the prosthetic teeth, the experience of the specialist
dentist and his team, and the location of the clinic.
For detailed information about All on 6 implant tooth prices, we recommend that you come to our clinic
and be examined.
How long does all on 6 dental
implant treatment take in Antalya?
The temporary prosthesis installation session of All on 6 dental implant treatment takes an average of
two hours, separately for the lower and upper jaws. With this session, patients return to their daily
lives with temporary prostheses attached. After waiting for 3 months for the implants to fuse with the
jaw, another session is performed for permanent prostheses. That session takes about 2 hours.
Is there any pain while
installing the all on six dental ımplant screw? Is pain felt after treatment?
Since the All on 6 dental implant procedure is performed under local anesthesia, the patient does not
experience pain during the procedure.
Mild pain is normal after the procedure is complete. These pains can be controlled with painkillers
recommended by your doctor.
How to clean all on 6 dental implants?
Patients who have All on Six implant dental treatment should pay attention to the cleaning and care of
their teeth and mouths in order to protect their oral and dental health and not to experience implant
loss. Teeth should be brushed for two minutes twice a day, mouthwash should be made twice a week, and an
interface brush should be used. For oral and dental health, acidic beverages and cigarettes should be
Does bad breath occur after all on six
When All on Six treatment is performed by a specialist dentist with quality materials, the patient does
not complain of bad breath.
How long does an all on 6 dental implants
All on six implant life is different for the lower and upper jaw, but it is 5-10 years on average. It is
important for patients to undergo regular physician control every 6 months. Taking good care of the teeth
of the individual who has all on six implant teeth prolongs the life of the implant.
Who is not suitable for all on six
All on 6 treatment is not suitable for individuals with chronic conditions such as diabetes or high blood